AI Theme Explained

When we decided to partner with Mark Hinkle and his AIE Network to spin up a new event, one of the first things we considered was the design.
What would represent AI in an effective and engaging way, while staying true to our artistic roots?
We came up with a new character and color scheme.
The robot you now see in the design was and is intended to be a compliment to the astro you’ve seen over the last 12 years at ATO. Robots are fun, can be programmed, and can take on a personality and life of their own from an artistic perspective.
The blue, white and black color palette also serves as a nice contrast to things we’ve done in the past, which have been much brighter (think red).
In the graphic below our robot is standing with astro looking at the horizon to see what’s “out there” and what’s coming next. We do the same thing with our events.
Register now and join us in Durham March 17 & 18.